COVID-19 Emergency Response

GPM’s response to the Coronavirus in the
slums and villages
Like all global emergencies, the Corona Virus is most perilous for vulnerable populations.
For the people living in the Kalwa slums and in under-served villages in India people
are suffering under the lock-down. There is no work, no food and people are starving.
In response to this imminent threat, GPM staff are working tirelessly in these communities
in an emergency campaign called Operation CoVER: Corona Virus Emergency Response
to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 and to keep thousands of families from starving!
Download an extensive report on our Corona Virus Emergency Response:
Since the pandemic hit, GPM has:
Provided groceries to over 6,000 families through our food emergency distribution (FED) program.
Disseminated over 30,000 flyers and 100 banners throughout the urban slums to provide information on health and safety during the coronavirus
Built handwashing stations in 5 rural hospitals that have COVID-19 treatment services.
Distributed more than 30,000 facemasks and bars of soap throughout slums and villages.
Provided 500 liters of hand sanitizer to 5 hospitals
Sustained livelihoods for dozens of women in economic empowerment collectives in the villages
Provided 5,000 meals to doctors and nurses at COVID hospitals
Supported 100's of children’s learning through open-spaced classrooms
Operated a robust medical facility in the heart of the slums tasked to provide basic healthcare and infant vaccinations
Meanwhile, our safe drinking water facility and our medical center are operational as they provide invaluable health and hygiene services to prevent the spread of the virus among the most vulnerable in the community.
As the Coronavirus continues to rage on, our work is not done. We are appealing to you for urgent assistance to ensure that the Coronavirus pandemic does not spread through the slums, and that the community continues to have the resources that they need to survive.
Please help support the safe drinking water, the medical clinic, and the emergency measures that we are taking to prevent the Coronavirus from engulfing the Kalwa slum.
Please donate here:https://rootfunding.com/campaigns/gpm_corona_virus_campaign
With much thanks and gratitude and wishing you all good health!

India's poorest 'fear hunger may kill us before corona virus'
-BBC, 25 March 2020